Air is
pure life
pure life
it is the awakening that gently hands us to the World with the first cry, it is the first cuddle that we receive when we are born, the air embraces us even before mother does ..
AirCuddle means all this, it is a CUDDLE CONSISTING OF PURE AIR that with the line of products designed to guarantee baby SAFETY, HYGIENE and COMFORT provides them with an ideal sleeping environment.
Sleeping products
For a peaceful rest for you and your baby,
Line of products for the REST of your baby,
a sleep line that guarantees
mattresses for children, pillows, mattress covers.
The special line of breathable
car seat and buggy covers!
Car travels and walks in the stroller
will be more serene for both
children and parents.
To know more
Some suggestions for your baby’s safe rest,
our research on comfort, our safety standards

EN 16890:2017: a European safety standard for cot and cradle mattresses
AirCuddle mattresses have been tested according to the recent European EN 16890:2017 by CATAS...

TOP SAFE, a 99.9% effective screen that protects baby’s rest from mites and allergens. Airmid healthgroup has tested it for us.
To scientifically test the efficacy of the AirCuddle TOP SAFE mattress protector, as an...

That’s why the TOP SAFE mattress topper by AirCuddle is SAFE … Custom8 says it!
To scientifically test the air permeability of the AirCuddle TOP SAFE mattress protector, we...

Reflux, tips for a peaceful sleep
Bedtime for babies suffering from gastro-oesophageal reflux can be disturbed, or even...

Expert advices
Baby’s sleeping environment is fundamental from the very first weeks of life. The FIMF (Italian...

Technological innovation
AirCuddle dedicates care and attention to all babies in order to guarantee them a safe and...